Nuestra Historia
Sattel Chile Ltda. it is a company of the third region, dedicated to the design, development and implementation of technology for the mining sector, with headquarters in the city of Copiapo. Born in April, in the year 2010 by the vision of creating a company of comprehensive services, able to meet the needs of different actors in the field of mining, as well as stand out for the quality of the products and/or services and the human quality.
Over the time it has built professional teams stable, which allow responsible relationships and long-term with our clients.
The steady progress of the products and/or services, has allowed us to grow and believe in the company, this gives an added value to the customers.
Meet our code of ethics
Our company is dedicated to providing the services of:
- Design, development, implementation, maintenance, innovation and application of technology in the areas of electronics and computing: automation, control and software development; for production processes and industrial instrumentation for all types of industries, especially for mining.
- Design, development, manufacture and marketing of sustainable products and metal structures for the mining industry and other industries.
- Design, installation, maintenance and repair of support for communication, data and fiber optic networks.
- Prestación del servicio de diagnóstico, reparación y mantención de equipos electrónicos
We are committed to a corporate management that ensures the development of innovative technological solutions to the problems presented by the stakeholders, thus improving the productivity of their processes.
Our activity is based on the following commitments:
- Maintain Quality Management Systems, Environment, Safety and Health at Work, suitable for the conditions of our operations, in a framework of preventive action, and continuous improvement.
- To comply with the Legislation, Regulations and Other Requirements, subscribe to the activities of the company.
Identify, assess and control the environmental aspects and risks in our activities, implementing programs of preventive action and corrective, to the Protection of the Environment, Prevention of Pollution and disposal of waste in a proper way.
- Eliminate hazards, reduce and control workplace risks in order to provide safe working conditions and healthy for the prevention of injuries and deterioration of the health of our workers.
- Some of our factors of success in the field of Safety & Health at work is the consultation and participation of our staff and contributing to the decision making processes on the measures and the proposed changes for the improvement in the performance of our Management System.
Promote the use of sustainable energy in the different Industries of the Country, to contribute with the environmental education with the use of clean energy.
- To respond to the needs of the professional development of its workers, promoting the attitudes, skills and knowledge, through training programmes in the areas of Quality, Environment, Safety and Health at Work.
To be recognized in the National and International Industry for Innovation, maintaining a process of permanent Technological vigilance, optimizing and using resources efficiently.
Send us your views and queries through our contact form and in brief we will respond to you.