Estación Solar Móvil


Solar Móvil

The solar station mobile is intended for the use of renewable energy for the mining companies and other industries, working on solar energy, where it stores the energy captured from the sun's rays, transforming it into electrical energy to be used in the supply of lighting, communication systems, electrical equipment, etc

The design of the structure and the electrical equipment of the station, solar cell, is designed to provide maximum safety in the transportation, installation and operation, complying with standards of safety and quality. The team has 10 solar panels.

  • Energy generated 15.5 kWh/day for the model ESM-155
  • Power of external generator when the battery level is low.
  • Charging regulator with technology MPPT.
  • Lights signaling according to the rules of road.
  • Output voltage in a 220 or 380 VAC.
  • CO2 reduction to 2,500 kg/year.
  • Deep cycle batteries and gel free maintenance.

Energía Sostenible

Nuestros carros solares utilizan paneles solares de alta eficiencia para proporcionar energía renovable en cualquier lugar.

Portabilidad y Flexibilidad

Diseñada para ser fácil de transportar y desplegar, perfecta para movilizar en faenas.

Capacidad de Almacenamiento

Incluye baterías de última generación para almacenar energía y garantizar un suministro constante incluso cuando no hay sol.

Construcción en fábrica propia

Fabricada con materiales de alta calidad para soportar condiciones climáticas adversas y garantizar una larga vida útil.



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